and applied loading:
Phase angle control:
continuous phase angle control, steady output, current gauge
reading remains steady. But, every half wave will produce
harmonic wave.
Applicable loading:
fixed resistance loading, variable resistance loading,
inductive loading, IR light bulb.
Zero crossing control:
distributed zero crossing control, minimum resolution 1 Hz, no
harmonic wave, and current gauge reading oscillates.
Applicable loading:
fixed resistance loading.
Wiring and setup
can cut off power to prevenr
personnel from electric shock during maintenance.
can cut off supplied loading
power when the power regulator malfunctions or the
tenperature is higher than pre-set value. Cutting off the
power can avoid the system burn down by overheating and
prevent more serious damage.
can adjust the output power
according to the control signal. (This product is embedded
with the high-speed fuse, extra fuse is not nccessary.) |
- Standard main circuit setup: main power→molded case circuit
breaker→contactors→power regulator→loading.
- The screw must be tightened during the wiring setup to avoid
high temperature resulting from bad contact.
- Once the wiring setup is completed the front panel and
safety cover must be properly installed before the system is
powered up to avoid the electric shock or shot circuit caused by
dropped conductive objects.